Forum for Free Inquiry and Expression Grants

The application for the academic year 2024-2025 has closed. The awardees will be announced by the end of February 2025.

Research Grants: Current University of Chicago faculty and other academic appointees of any rank and current PhD students are eligible to apply for support of research projects related to free inquiry and expression, broadly defined. Funds might go for expenses such as travel support, either in the U.S. or abroad; research expenses; materials; and conferences and workshops hosted at Chicago. We expect the maximum award would be $10,000 for PhD students and $20,000 for faculty, though exceptions might be made if budgets allow. Proposals can be for this current or next academic year. 

Course Development Grants: Current University of Chicago faculty and other academic appointees of any rank are eligible to apply for funds to support development of courses that advance free inquiry and expression, broadly defined.

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